Gilang Hardadi

Economic Analyst · Climate Specialist · Data Scientist · Computational Programmer

I am experienced in quantitative analysis of climate fiscal policy, with expertise in using Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) models to assess the impacts of mitigation and adaptation measures on structural transformation and employment. I am proficient in Excel, R, and Python, with demonstrated skills in economic analysis, programming, data science, visualization tools, and product management.


Extended-Term Consultant

World Bank

• Contributed to WB reports by preparing results and visualization of scenario analysis of different carbon tax designs and providing key analysis on energy, GHG emissions, distributional impact, employment, and technological transition.

• Presented macroeconomic analysis and modeling of EU CBAM on GDP and employment to the donor (UK FCD Office).

• Co-authored two chapters of “Hooked on Subsidies” report and led Marginal Value of Public Funds (MVPF) analysis of green subsidies for renewables and electric vehicles, providing insight on higher welfare gain for middle-income countries.

• Developed MRIO (Multi-Regional Input-Output) model to evaluate impacts of climate fiscal (carbon tax and fossil fuel subsidies removal) and adaptation measures (disaster risk reduction) on structural change, GDP growth, and employment.

• Refactored algorithm (Gauss-Seidel) in MRIO model to cut computational time per run from 25 minutes to 2.8 minutes.

• Managed CPAT model conversion from Excel to Python (online) to enable ETS assessment, expansion of CPAT modules (assessing structural changes, employment, and trade impacts), and integration of existing techno-economic models (FTT).

• Trained, supported, and supervised STCs in using CPAT as an analytical tool to assess the impacts of carbon pricing.

• Automated bulk download of Public Expenditure Review reports via API requests and developed a text mining-based method (NLP) to create a clustered database of Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) reform recommendations.

• Led techno-economic analysis of passenger transport carbon tax using FTT: Transport for climate-informed PFR Georgia, gaining insight on structural transformation in energy sector from increasing share of hybrid and electric vehicles.

• Conducted green expenditure analysis for government of Kenya using BOOST database and GTAP emissions intensities.

• Performed extraction of price data via web scraping and conducted data cleaning in Python (tools: selenium, pandas).

• Constructed and updated energy balance using energy consumption data from IEA and EnerData in Python (tools: pandas).

May 2022 - Present

Short-Term Consultant

World Bank

• Worked on distribution module in CPAT model, collected technical coefficients and consumption data of fuel products.

• Developed an MRIO model (in R) and built investment module to simulate the employment impact of green investment.

• Prepared technical documentation for MRIO model to ensure reproducibility and transparency of the modeling results.

• Managed version control (Git) to facilitate seamless collaboration across economic modelers in developing MRIO model.

June 2021 - April 2022

Software Developer (PyQt)

Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries

• Built, tested, and debugged a Python-based data entry program (tools: PyQt6, psycopg2) to foolproof fisheries data input.

• Spearheaded data harmonization by establishing an ETL pipeline for database migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL.

• Built RShiny visualization tool for commercial fisheries dataset, conducted user testing, and implemented UI/UX design change to support evaluations that inform sustainable fisheries policies (annual catch limits and stock rebuilding plans).

August 2020 - March 2021

Research Associate

Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg

• Developed and deployed a macroeconomic MRIO model using Python to evaluate the implications of trade (EU CBAM) and its redistribution policies on the GDP, employment, and production output of EU countries and their trade partners.

• Evaluated the macroeconomic impacts of environmental trade policies (BCA) by assessing their distributional implications and quantifying potential revenue gains, for 4,400 material-intensive commodities (collaboration with DIW Berlin).

• Modelled dynamic translog cost functions using GMM method in R and calculated elasticities of input substitution at granular level (160 sectors), providing key insights in evaluating the structural changes and energy demand reduction.

• Conducted Monte-Carlo simulation and performed k-means cluster analysis to evaluate the environmental footprints of different German household segments in Python, generating critical insights on planetary boundaries and rebound effects.

• Reviewed journal submissions into academic publishing, including Nature Sustainability and Economic Systems Research.

January 2017 - July 2020

Visiting Scholar

Earth Institute at Columbia University

• Designed data collection instruments (surveys) to evaluate public perception on urban sustainability in Henan, China.

• Performed qualitative data collection, including focus group discussion to gain insight from governing stakeholders.

• Evaluated statistical correlation between demographic attributes and public perception on urban sustainability indicators.

December 2015 - February 2016

Project Planner and Engineer

Kraft Foods (Mondelēz International)

• Responsible for on-site inspection, installation, and commissioning of packaging equipment L5 Oreo (22.5 MM USD).

• Planned and monitored CAPEX projects (1.1 MM USD), with 55% share of sustainability and compliance projects.

• Coordinated trials, built Design of Experiments, and applied Statistical Process Control to evaluate process capability.

November 2011 - August 2014


Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg

PhD Candidate in Ecological Economics

Dissertation: Using Econometrics and Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Models to Simulate Short-Term Socio-Economic Impacts of a Just and Equitable Low-Carbon Transition.

Aalborg University

Joint European Master in Environmental Studies

Exchange semesters in Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) and Technical University of Hamburg (Germany).

Coursework: Qualitative Methods, Ecological Economics, Industrial Ecology, Urban Infrastructure, Waste Management.

July 2016

Bandung Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Extracurricular: Head of print and digital media, U-Green (Environmental student organization) in July 2009 - June 2010.

June 2011


Programming Languages & Tools
Skills & Expertise
  • Economic modelling (MRIO) and analysis
  • Computational programming
  • Machine learning and data science
  • Product management for analytical tools
  • Data visualization tools


World Bank Publications

• Country Climate and Development Reports (CCDR) for countries: Tajikistan, Cambodia, Philippines, and Peru.

• Country Economic Memorandum: Bosnia and Herzegovina (January 2024). Chapter 3: Energy Transition and CBAM.

• Managing Flood Risks: Leveraging Finance for Business Resilience in Malaysia. Chapter 2: Macroeconomic Impact.

• Georgia: Public Finance Review (June 2024). Subchapter 2.4: Evaluating the Impacts of Green Fiscal Reform.

• Within Reach: Navigating the Political Economy of Decarbonization. Chapter 4: Policy Design (Distributional Effects).

• Jobs and Economic Growth Working Paper (July 2024): Estimating the Jobs Impacts of Different Carbon Tax Reforms.

• Hooked on Subsidies: Fiscal Costs and the Challenge of Reform. Chapters: Energy Subsidies and Green Subsidies.

Academic Publications

• Hardadi, G., Pauliuk, S., 2024. The Impact of Sectoral Aggregation on the Elasticities of Substitution in Modelling Translog Cost Functions. Economic Systems Research (accepted).

• Stede, J., Pauliuk, S., Hardadi, G., Neuhoff, K., 2021. Carbon Pricing of Basic Materials: Incentives and Risks for the Value Chain and Consumers. Ecological Economics.

• Hardadi, G., Buchholz, A., Pauliuk, S., 2020. Implications of the Distribution of German Household Environmental Footprints across Income Groups. Journal of Industrial Ecology.

• Guo, D., Cao, Z., DeFrancia, K., Yeo, J.W.G., Hardadi, G., Chai, S., 2018. Awareness, Perceptions and Determinants of Urban Sustainable Development Concerns. Sustainable Development.

• Hardadi, G., Pizzol, M., 2017. Extending the Multiregional Input-Output Framework to Labor-Related Impacts: A Proof of Concept. Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Honors & Awards

  • VPU Team Awards for contribution in macroeconomic chapter of CCDR Peru from World Bank - June 2023
  • Research fund (EUR 3,000) for collaborative work with DIW Berlin from Climate Strategies - June 2020
  • Travel grants to conduct field trip in Henan, China from Earth Institute, Columbia University - June 2016
  • Erasmus+ Scholarship Awardee for Third Countries to attend two-year European master’s degree - 2014-2016
  • Accenture Experience champion team for management consulting case of a telecommunication company - March 2011
  • Total E&P Indonesia Undergraduate Scholarship Awardee for two consecutive academic years - 2009-2011


Outside of work, you might find me uncovering hidden gems in DC’s vibrant restaurant and bookstore scenes. A passionate traveler, I love turning holidays into adventures by exploring new destinations and cultures. And in quieter moments, I am an avid movie and TV enthusiast and sometimes experimenting with dessert recipes.